Today 6:00 PM at St. Anne's Hall, Terri Trepanier and Monica Sirois will host Soul Core. A way to nourish your body and soul while praying the rosary and functional movements. Please see related flyers for details. Please contact Terri Trepanier at 603-817-3949 and Monica Sirois at 603-948-6983 if you have any question.
Thank you ladies for serving the parish well in honor of St. Anne! Your group will be missed. We will be forever grateful for all your good works. Thank you!
Dear Friends, On July 14, youths attending Steubenville will host the Sunday breakfast, this is their last attempt to raise funds for their trip to Steubenville. They only need $ 2,448.98 to complete their goal. This year's trip will comprise of 30 youths and 5 chaperones. They leave for Ohio on July 19. Prayers needed for the success of this endeavor. We thank you all for your generosity.
Dear Friends, this July on the week of 21-28, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary & St. Leo parishes celebrates the 15 year anniversary of the Merciful Heart of Jesus' Perpetual Adoration. Please feel free to stop by. Fr. Patrick encourages everyone to offer acts of reparation and mercy for graces received through the Perpetual Adoration, if you wish to offer flowers, please feel free to do so during the week of the anniversary. Thank you for 15 years of relentless, praise, worship and adoration. Happy Anniversary to past, present and future adorers.
Spaghetti Dinner hosted by the Youths attending Steubenville. Please mark your calendar, June 22nd Saturday, right after the 4PM Holy Mass. This is part of the Youth Group Fundraising campaign to generate funds for their trip to Steubenville. Thank you so much for your support!
Car Wash will be made available by the Youths Attending Steubenville this Saturday, June 22nd from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. This is part of their fundraising campaign to generate funds for their trip to Steubenville this July. Thank you for your support!
Please join us at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church, Rochester on Tuesday, June 25th at 6:00 PM for our monthly Holy Mass of Healing with special prayers and intercession of St. John Paul II, and blessing with his First Class Relic. Recitation of the Holy Rosary begins at 5:30 PM. Immediately following Holy Mass, trained prayer teams will be available for the individual prayer ministry. For more information call Jackie Morganti, 603-332-3576. "O God, we ponder your mercy within your temple. "PS. 48
Organized by the Endow Ministry | Embracing your dignity and identity | June 29 | 9 am to 3 PM at the St. Ignatius Hall. Contact Megan Tumelaire to register at [email protected]
Please mark your calendar on June 30th after the 7:30am and 9:00 am Holy Mass Seton Academy will be hosting the breakfast. All proceeds will benefit Seton Academy
Discussing "The Great Divorce" by C. S. Lewis | Thursday 7-8PM | Starting July 11 to August 22 | Buy your own book or contact Brittany at [email protected] for a pre-purchased copy.
Dear Friends, This weekend we kickoff the New Hampshire Catholic Appeal: Future of our Faith II, One Bread, One Body, an initiative for our Diocese to grow and expand ministries in the Church in New Hampshire. It has consolidated six of our annual collections under one Appeal along with the Catholic Charities NH in-pew special collection appeal and the Parable magazine drive. I am grateful to all who donated to the NHCA last year. The New Hampshire Catholic Appeal again will help fund essential services and ministries like the care for our retired priests, education and formation of seminarians, Catholic education, Parable magazine, the Community Services program Catholic Charities NH and more. Everyone in our parish will receive a copy of the Appeal materials so that you can learn more about the NHCA and how you can participate. As you consider making your gift, please consider what you have given to these individual collections (Seminarian Fund, Retired Priest Fund, Parish to Parish Support Fund, Catholic University of America and USCCB, Catholic Education/Catholic Schools, N.H. Missionaries Abroad and Migrant & Refugee Ministry in NH) plus to Parable Magazine and the Catholic Charities NH Special collection appeal. This year, our parish goal for Holy Rosary is $ 49,362 and St. Leo is $ 9,570. Any money raised over that goal will be rebated to our parish to use for our parish needs. Together, we are many parts of the Church in New Hampshire, but one body of Christ and we can make a difference in the lives of many people. To make your gift, please return the gift envelope that you will receive in the mail, visit the Appeal’s website to give online, or call the Appeal Office at 603-663-0170. With gratitude, Fr. Patrick
If you are looking for ways to volunteer in our parish but do not know how? Please reach out to Brittany Molda, our Director of Faith Formation at [email protected]
Dear Parishioners, As you know there is a special anointing of the Holy Spirit on Our Lady of the Holy Rosary and St. Leo Parishes! The Holy Spirit is sending me now to a new mission of teaching St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body full-time. I won’t be able to continue as the faith formation director-- but there is already a great successor for my job lined up. I will still be teaching faith formation in our parish as long as I have the time to do so. It has been a beautiful faith enriching eight years for me! Thank you and please be assured of my love and prayers. Sister Mary Rose Reddy, DMML Director of Family Faith Formation Safe Environment Coordinator
Thank you to all who contributed! We are very pleased to report that we have reached our goal of $ 3,978.50. We will now commence with the purchase process, with the hope that the statue will be delivered in time for the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, on October 7. Fr. Schultz started this initiative. He expressed his thanks and gratitude in prayer to our Lord and the Blessed Mother for the generosity and devotion of our parishioners who made this possible.
October 7, 2022, is the feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. There will be a solemn Mass at 6:00 pm followed by a Rosary procession from the church and onto Dewey St. before returning to church. Dinner and refreshment will be served at St. Anne's Hall. Let the whole parish celebrate and honor our patroness on her very special day. RSVP is required if you wish to attend the dinner at St. Anne's Hall.