Please mark your calendar Souper Bowl Sunday is on February 8 & 9th. Please support the youth attending Steubenville Main Campus 2025! Youth will be at all exits on the weekend of Feb 8 and 9 with soup pots. Please be generous.
Please mark your calendar, this event is schedule on February 8 beginning at 5PM, St. Anne's Hall, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church, ticket per person is $ 25 and for a table of 8 is $ 180. Please contact Michael's Treasure to purchase tickets.
A KOC initiative to collect monetary contribution and gift cards before and after Masses on February 8/9 and 15/16. Proceeds will be distributed to the NH Pregnancy Centers that will benefit young single moms. Please see related flyers for more details.
The Knights of Columbus is organizing a dinner to be held on February 22nd. Proceeds will be distributed to the NH Pregnancy Center to benefit young single Moms. See related flyers for more details.
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is observed this year on Monday, December 9. The schedule of Holy Masses are as follows: Our Lady of the Holy Rosary in Rochester: December 9th, 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM | St. Leo Church: December 9th at 12:00 pm. It is a Holy Day of Obligation.
Join us this Friday for the First Friday devotion, December 6th at 6:00 PM. Also the First Saturday Devotion on December 7th, at 8:00 am. Recitation of the Holy Rosary will commence 30 minutes before the Holy Mass.
Please mark your calendar, Women's Tea on December 7, right after the First Saturday Devotion. Please proceed to St. Anne's Hall for a light breakfast, if you wish to join please bring a wrapped $5 - $ 10 gift. If you have questions, contact Angele Cook at 603- 312-0936.
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary has achieved its goal. As of December 2, 2024 the total donations received for NH Catholic Appeal is $ 50,122 vs its goal of $ 49,362.
Please join us at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church, Rochester on Tuesday, December 17th at 6:00 PM for our monthly Holy Mass of Healing with special prayers and intercession of St. John Paul II, and blessing with his First Class Relic. Recitation of the Holy Rosary begins at 5:30 PM. Immediately following Holy Mass, trained prayer teams will be available for the individual prayer ministry. For more information call Jackie Morganti, 603-332-3576.
Come and let us adore Him during this Advent Season with Chair Soul Core - We'll pray the rosary with Advent medications and do some light movements all while sitting in a chair. Mark your calendar, December 20th, Friday at 10:00 am. St. Anne's Hall. See you there.
Knights of Columbus Council 2048 and Michael’s Treasure 603 are hosting a Harvest Dinner Dance on Saturday, October 19th at Holy Rosary, click here to buy tickets and more information
November 2nd!
Parish Fair Raffle tickets can be found at all entrances of Holy Rosary and St. Leo .
Sign ups in the gathering space to bring in: lunch items, baked goods, Penny Sale items and themed basket items
Soul Core Classes: October 24th 6:30 pm to 7:30pm. Classes will be held at the St. Anne’s Hall.
Please contact Terri Trepanier (603-817-3949) and Monica Sirois at 603-948-6983 for more details.
Discussing “Surprised by the Truth” by Patrick Madrid
Thursdays 7-8:00 pm, at St. Leo’s Parish
Buy your own book or contact Brittany ([email protected]) for prepurchased book
Starts October 3rd until November 14th